think it would not be wise to put limits on how much we know. Knowledge will
always be the key somehow in everything and everywhere. I say this for various
reasons. It is only natural for us as humans to study the world that surrounds
us. Although we as human beings as a species have come a long way, we are still
ignorant to many things around us. For example, the life expectancy centuries
back was very young. One would be lucky to make it to 30. As time moved on,
humans as a whole began to gain knowledge and study medicine and health. This
is a very good reason why the life expectancy is much higher. If it wasn’t
legal or wise for humans to think outside the box and gain knowledge or life
expectancy would have not evolved. To add on to that would be our knowledge of
health also. Because humans have acquired knowledge on disease and bacteria;
unlike the old days it wouldn’t be common to die from something as simple as
the common cold today.
the present day world without any modern cars or transportation. Humans have
come a long way with transportation and there is no telling what kind of
automobile will be created in our near future. If knowledge was something to
put a limit on, we would still be horseback riding and walking. We live in a
world that is based on the social, mind and physical of our society. Because of
this I think that we do not even know half of our own understanding. There is
just so much the human race still does not know about. If the process of
knowing and discovering was made illegal, then we would not evolve as humans.
Imagine an evolving world but we as humans don’t evolve with our surroundings.
It would be impossible to live.
is the key to survival. Living in a constantly changing environment we as human
beings, have to adapt to our surroundings. Without knowledge and the ability to
learn, it would be impossible to do that. As human beings we only have
knowledge by what we observe from naturally occurring things. Putting the limitations on knowledge would
also not be wise for our survival state. For example if knowledge and the
curiosity to know were not allowed in the past. A lot of things we use today
wouldn’t be created; affecting our population. I mean you never know something
as simple as the flu could have wiped us all off the face of the earth.
is something we must have. I think without Knowledge we would not be the same.
The way we learn and gain knowledge is by observing the world around us.
Philosophers even said that humans are creatures born with a blank thought of
logic and knowledge is how we have survived. Putting limits on how much humans
should know is not a good idea.
The bible states that the human mind is so powerful we will never know with the human mind the brain is studied each and every day for the knowledge for what the human tried to controlled to know about each orther who we are what makes us think fear eat. The most important thing in life is to apply your self in a manner so we could be succesful by doing this first and for most you do not surround yourself around negative things apply yourself in a manner so you can be the best in what you can be. You read to become more knowledgable about society and human race to apply your self in a positive manner in life because if you dont with the way society is right knbow you will be left behind with the advanced technolog, every day things is becoming new,look at the computer at the beggining know we have the internet that is a world wide source for knowledge. Look at the apple computer and the iphone that you can speak into the machine and tell it what to do. That knowledge. Knowledge of the human brain. Knwoldege is something you can abuse and dangerous if you do not understand the repecaution from knowledge the reason why is because we have created the internet know you seeing all these identity steft know one know how to stop it, but no one thought about putting in a security device that you would need a special code or secuity device. But when you educate people a bout knowledg they become very wise about knowledge. Orther countries done became knowledge from all types of information where they go to orther countries to gain knowledge on self-defence and higher education and go back to their courtries and use the same knowledge and schooling they obtain from orther countries. I am very amaze with the things that i see and watch on televixion and pulled uup on the computer that give you knowledge where a computer can easily pulled it up. It is amzaing how the human beings done came along the way with the knowledge we have today in this world. Knwolege is basically learning how to crawl when you born learning how to speak when you get older, learning how to walk, see, touch , understand motivational skills to understand right from wrong. To know your outgoing and incomning,what it take to acomplish your goals to be sucessful to be a better person to yourself and orthers. I have understaning of knowled and wisdom because if i did not have wisdom knowledge is something I can use in any type of manner to go in a manner wheres it nothing but if you have knowledge you can apply it to your everyday life like its a tool because the human braing will want to advanced when you have wisdom to know it and what more. So you would want to obtain that knbowledge to know more and more about life and religion. Where would we be without the wisdom and knowledge. Someone had the knowledge to invent the computer, but someone had the wisdom to create the internet. Thats knowledge and wisdom. I want all nationalty to become knowledge of all orthers we are not computers we are humans bengings and no computer can take the place of the human race thats something as we as human to get the knowledge of and not let our knowledge fade out the human race with the computer to fade out our technolgy.